jandiehmdesigns.com - JAN DIEHM

Description: Design portfolio of Jan Diehm.

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This is the most widely shared piece I have done while with The Pudding. I collaborated with Amber Thomas to hand measure 80 pairs of jeans to confirm with data what every woman already knows to be true: WOMEN’S POCKETS SUCK. We found that on average, the pockets in women’s jeans are 48% shorter and 6.5% narrower than men’s pockets, and that only 10% of women's pockets could even fit an average woman’s hand. See the full project, built with Javascript and D3.js, here .

I took on this project for The Pudding because I wanted to hone my svg animation skills. Each shoe was drawn in Illustrator, exported as svg, and morphed using Flubber.js . Sit back and watch all 34 shoes transition here . This project was also adapted into a poster .

I worked alongside Amber Thomas on the design and development to bring this data analysis by Malaika Handa alive on The Pudding. We looked at 19 years of Vogue cover models to see how the magazine represents women of all shades. I was responsible for the overall aesthetic and coded the animated beeswarm to scatter plot chart. See this full piece here .

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