jamieshamblin.com - Jamie L Shamblin

Description: Online portfolio of JLS

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With over twelve years of experience as a front-end web developer, art director/designer and UX/UI specialist, I have honed my professional experience by teaming with management, co-workers, and third party agencies for the production of websites, apps, interactive media and creative collateral materials. Through collaboration, I have produced effective online presences and marketing materials, managed digital social media, and developed company branding while working within the requirements and limitations

I work best in a creative, critical and knowledgeable environment. I believe in innovation and moving forward and I feel there is always room for improvement; In my opinion, nothing is ever really "finished"...

This website represents a wide range of my experience as a web developer and art director. Please explore its content, and contact me with any thoughts or questions. I look forward to hearing from you, and thank you for stopping by!