jamieayres.com - Jamie Ayres | Novelist of YA Coming of Age Love Stories with a Paranormal Twist

Description: Novelist of YA Coming of Age Love Stories with a Paranormal Twist

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Happy New Year! For the past three years, in addition to a New Year’s Resolution, I set a reading resolution for myself. This year’s goal was 40 books, and I met my goal right before Christmas (you’ll see 45 on the list, but 5 were rereads, so I’m not really counting those). In this post I offer my list in the hopes you’ll pick one of them up in 2019. I listed my top 5 Nonfiction picks, then my top 5 Fiction picks (sooo hard to narrow that down), but the rest of the list is in no particular order. I can hon

My goal for this year is 45 books! What’s your New Year’s Resolution? (Mine is to be content . . . there’s lots to be said for being content in our daily lives, and I’m looking forward to living with a word that reminds me to do that.) Any book resolutions? Cheers to Happy Reading in 2019! May the words you read open up new ways of thinking, inspiration, and possibilities!

For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be an author and teacher. I’ve taught for 16 1/2 years now, in every grade from first through tenth (except 9th).