jameshome.com - JAMES HOME

Description: James Home is a designer and technologist living at sea aboard a sailboat called Rejoice.

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Value judgments are destructive to our proper business, which is curiosity and awareness. —  John Cage

I’m a designer, technologist, and mystic living at sea aboard a forty foot sailboat called Rejoice . I live like this because everything great about being human is clearest to me on a small boat in the middle of the sea, and understanding what's great about being human is the first responsibility of the designer. My present understanding demands that I work on things that prioritize curiosity over certainty, agency over convenience, awareness over distraction, and the natural world over virtual ones.

I was a senior product designer at Google for seven years, where I led design projects on Search , Material , and Fuchsia . I was design director at Metaweb when the company was acquired by Google , and the technologies we had spent five years creating became the foundation for the Knowledge Graph . For Long Now , I designed websites for Long Bets , an arena for philanthropists to place high stakes bets about the future, and the Rosetta Project , a platform for linguists to collaborate on the creation of a