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Jake Keeler ART Jake Keeler ART Jake Keeler ART Jake Keeler ART Jake Keeler ART Jake Keeler ART Jake Keeler ART Jake Keeler ART Home Portfolio Contact COMMISSIONS SHOP COMMISSIONS PORTFOLIO My Background My Inspiration My Background I grew up scraping my shins on boulders fishing the Mississippi River, hunting all over central MN, and getting lost in the wonder of nature.  When I wasn’t exploring outside, I was bent over at a table drawing dragons, comic book characters, and fantasy/sci-fi worlds while list

Show More I grew up scraping my shins on boulders fishing the Mississippi River, hunting all over central MN, and getting lost in the wonder of nature.  When I wasn’t exploring outside, I was bent over at a table drawing dragons, comic book characters, and fantasy/sci-fi worlds while listening to a rotation of heavy metal cassette tapes with my brother. Truth be told, not much has changed.  I have an MFA in painting and drawing from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and an undergraduate degree from Macal

Show Less The Work My Inspiration My Background My work has been exhibited all over the U.S. the past 20 years and has been used by companies like Simms, Patagonia, Rhymesayers Entertainment, and others.  My works has been featured in numerous publications and media, namely The Fly Fish Journal, Fly Fisherman, and Flylords. While I’ve explored a multitude of forms, content, and media o

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