jacobjinkelly.github.io - Jacob Kelly

Description: Jacob Kelly's Personal Website and Blog

Example domain paragraphs

I'm a Research Engineer at DeepMind . I completed my undergrad in Computer Science, Math, and Stats at the University of Toronto , where I was fortunate to work with Roger Grosse and David Duvenaud at the Vector Institute . My goal is to use machine learning to understand biology. I'm interested in energy-based models, latent variable models, neural ODEs, and genomics. Previously, I was a Machine Learning Research Intern at Deep Genomics . Before that, I did computational biology research with Benjamin Haib

Multi-attribute classification generalizes classification, presenting new challenges for making accurate predictions and quantifying uncertainty. We build upon recent work and show that architectures for multi-attribute prediction can be reinterpreted as energy-based models (EBMs). We propose a simple extension that allows us to directly maximize the likelihood of data and labels under the unnormalized joint distribution. Our models are capable of both accurate, calibrated predictions and high-quality condi

Jacob Kelly , Richard Zemel , Will Grathwohl

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