jacobcerone.com - ἐνθύμησις | Biblical Studies

Description: Biblical Studies

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After I dislocated my ankle skateboarding last year, I had a little extra time on my hands and started composing biblical studies editing tips in the form of Facebook posts. Many commented on these posts and asked me to collect them and publish them together. So, I’m finally doing that here. It is unlikely that everyone will agree at all points with these, but I hope you will find them helpful in general. [ Caveat lector : Publishers have their own style guides that may deviate from some of the tips below.

Chuck Bumgardner adds:

I’m excited that my newest publication The Letter of the Roman Church to the Corinthian Church from the Era of Domitian: 1 Clement has now been released. It is a translation of Harnack’s famous little booklet on 1 Clement, as well as four additional articles that he penned on the letter. The publisher’s blurb says:

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