jacklinkwan.com - Jacklin Kwan

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I am a science reporter with experience working freelance and within fast-paced newsrooms. Some of the newsrooms I have worked in include: The Straits Times and Science Magazine. I have freelance bylines in New Scientist, Physics World, Live Science, SciDev.Net and WIRED UK .

I’m a physics graduate with keen interest in the interfaces between science, technology, policy and society. Though I have solid experience in writing rapid news updates about new research, long-form investigations and narrative storytelling are my true bread and butter. Whilst pursuing my freelance career, I’m also currently working as the Digital Communications Officer for the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Imperial College Lodnon.

I am a freelance science journalist who has recently graduated from the MSc Science Communication program at Imperial College London. Previously I completed a NCTJ qualification with News Associates between 2020-2021 and I graduated from the University of Manchester with a Masters degree in Physics in 2020. Now, I write freelance science news stories, with an emphasis on technologies and the physical sciences. I have experience working in several newsrooms including The Straits Times in Singapore, The Mill