jackdevries.com - Jack DeVries

Example domain paragraphs

I was inspired by the design philosophy of vim to create this minimal and efficient keyboard-driven tool to help teachers provide grades and feedback for their google classroom assignments.

The backend stack is PostgreSQL, Django, and Django REST Framework. The application is deployed on a Kubernetes cluster that I created and maintain in my home. It's infrastructure is defined as code (IaC) using Terraform. It is also continuously deployed to production and staging environments using GitHub Actions. The backend utilizes the Google Drive and Google Classroom APIs to fetch user data. I also used Python's difflib to implement a feature where teachers can view only the differences between the tem

On the frontend of this project, I used Tailwind CSS and htmx to facilitate rapid prototyping, and minimize code repetition. This choice also allowed me to dynamically inject UI browser extension from the backend, which has been pretty neat!