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Search Menu The Symptoms and Ways To Ease Baby Teething Search Search for: Close search Close Menu The Symptoms and Ways To Ease Baby Teething The Symptoms and Ways To Ease Baby Teething As a parent, you know that every milestone in your baby’s life is a special one. One of the most anticipated (and dreaded) milestones is teething. While it can be an exciting time to see those first little teeth pop through, it can also be incredibly stressful when you’re not sure what symptoms to look out for

When a baby starts to teeth, there are several tell-tale signs. The first is increased drooling, which can start as early as 3 months old. You may also notice your baby chewing on his fingers or anything else within reach. Another common symptom is irritability. Your normally happy baby may become fussy and cry more than usual. She may also have trouble sleeping.

If you suspect your baby is teething, take a look inside her mouth. You may see red, swollen gums where the teeth are about to come through. You can help ease your baby’s discomfort by giving her something to chew on, like a cold teething ring or a wet washcloth. You can also massage her gums with your finger. If your baby is in a lot of pain, you can give her infant acetaminophen or ibuprofen according to the package directions.

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