ipthree.org - IFIP International Professional Practice Partnership (IP3) – the global standard of ICT professionalism

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The most important reason [to examine and build ICT professionalism] stems from the extent to which the increasing pervasiveness  of ICT has the potential to harm our economy and society. The extent to which ICT is embedded in our lives is inevitably growing. If we fail to take steps to mature the ICT profession, it is likely that the risks to society from ICT will grow to unacceptable levels.

E-SKILLS: Promotion of ICT Professionalism in Europe, a EU Call for Tender, July 2013

IFIP IP3, the International Professional Practice Partnership is leading the development of the global ICT profession. Our mission is to establish a global partnership that will strengthen the ICT profession and contribute to the development of strong international economies by creating an infrastructure that will:

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