iplantes.com - The road to learning – Sharon LePage Plante, Chief Technology Integrator @ The Southport School, Co-Author Using Technology to E

Description: Sharon LePage Plante, Chief Technology Integrator @ The Southport School, Co-Author Using Technology to Engage Students with Learning Disabilities

Example domain paragraphs

I remember back in the spring when we were in remote learning; kids could not wait to get back to in-person learning. I am sure this is something that was on their minds all summer. Now that we are back in school, full time, they are not happy. School is not the same and kids,… Continue reading School is not the same.

What are good tools for Differentiated Reading Instruction? There are some great sites now that allow for the easy leveling of readings, while still maintaining the same overall content objective. It is also worth considering does material need to be differentiated for level or access to benefit each learner. Some students struggle with decoding text… Continue reading Question of the Day 8/13/2020

What are ways to teach students to use assistive technology effectively? This is an interesting question that I have gotten a few times recently, especially thinking about students who are resistant. One of the nice things about using text-to-speech (TTS) and speech-to-text (STT) is that much more common place for all of us in these… Continue reading Question of the Day 8/10/2020