- iOS Goodies

Description: weekly iOS newsletter curated by Marius Constantinescu logo by José Torre founded by Rui Peres and Tiago Almeida Privacy Policy

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Happy Thursday! They say all things come to an end. And while this may or may not be the end, this will be the last edition of the iOS Goodies newsletter, at least until the end of this year. I’m sure you’re wondering why that is, and I’ll try to explain in the following lines.

To do a good job curating the content for this newsletter, I need to spend around 5-7 hours per week. And that doesn’t cover for any (long overdue) website appearance updates, small improvements, tweaks in format, or anything like that. I care a lot about my free time, and with a full-time job and a strong reluctance to give up my personal and family time for side projects, I don’t have enough time to do a good job curating the content for this newsletter. And instead of doing a poor job, I’d rather not be

Another reason is that lately, making this newsletter every Thursday turned slowly more into a chore than into something fun that I was looking forward to. I also found it more difficult to find new content. We have a lot of great authors in our community, and many of them publish new articles every week, so from a point of view, it was very easy to find some content for the newsletter. But I wanted to have more diversity in the authors that I featured in iOS Goodies, instead of featuring the same ones ever

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