- Grand Lodge I.O.O.F. of Texas | Non-Profit | Corsicana, TX

Description: Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. Community support group. Area non-profit organization. Locally founded in 1841. Call or visit us today.

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The Order is, and shall forever continue to be, bound to charitable and beneficent works, in visiting the sick, relieving the distressed, burying the dead, and educating the orphan and in the performance of all those reciprocal duties, which spring from our recognition of a Supreme Being. 

Odd Fellowship is dedicated to broadening of the mind and the elevation of character without taking from the individual any of his/her rights or privileges or the duties each owes to his/her God or country.  Odd Fellowship is the teaching and application of Friendship, Love, and Truth; of Faith, Hope, and Charity; and of Universal Justice. These are the principles of the Order’s doctrine, the basis for thought and action which will create peace and harmony among all peoples.