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Sometimes you can quickly lose sight of what is important. Given the horrendous national debt of € 1,973,913,626,707 (01.09.2011 at 09:00 clock), it comes to the healthy budget! In the medium to long-term perspective, the structural budget deficit is crucial.

For a sustainable consolidation of public budgets can be meaningfully refer only to a reduction in the structural deficit financing, i.e., adjusted for cyclical effects and one-off measures primary deficit. After structural terms in 2007 and 2008, a balanced general government budget has been reached. The primary deficit rose to 0.5% significantly in 2009 and -1.3% in 2010. This increase is due to the reduction in the contribution rate for unemployment insurance, which caused in-force of the corporate tax r

With the planned tax cuts of the coalition parties, it is therefore important that these be financed structural and not based on adverse economic pump. It is for an ideally by restraint of the state, by reducing expenditure. A first important and courageous step, for example, would be the repeal of regulatory policy and economically questionable subsidies.

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