- Hypnotherapy |The Therapy Partnership| Sevenoaks, Swanley and Dartford

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This website sets out to do two things. To give details of the hypnotherapy services provided by this West Kent-based practice but in addition to try to offer clear, accurate and balanced advice on hypnotherapy, explaining its benefits but also its limitations.

You are invited to explore this comprehensive website where we believe you will find clear, accurate and balanced advice on hypnotherapy, explaining its benefits but also its limitations. You will find explanations about those issues where hypnotherapy can be helpful – and also when it may be contraindicated.

The Therapy Partnership provides face-to-face therapy for Sevenoaks, Swanley and Dartford as well as our online Internet services. To find out more about our online hypnotherapy services CLICK HERE We offer a free, without obligation first-time consultation at our practice rooms on the outskirts of Eynsford. In addition our clients are taught self-hypnosis, a useful life-long skill and receive a free self-hypnosis CD & booklet.