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Search Menu Natural Ways To Reverse Periodontal Disease! Search Search for: Close search Close Menu Natural Ways To Reverse Periodontal Disease! Natural Ways To Reverse Periodontal Disease! Last month’s blog discussed the fact that nearly half of Americans suffer from periodontal disease. A common warning sign for gum disease is bleeding when you brush or floss your teeth, and there is growing evidence that it may be linked to a number of health conditions besides your oral health.

According to recent research, there is a substantial link between periodontal disease and a variety of health issues. Harvard Health states that those with the condition have a greater risk for cardiovascular events, such as heart attack or stroke. Additionally, a 2010 study revealed that gum disease is connected to cognitive function – the more teeth lost due to the condition, the more likely men are to experience mental decline. Furthermore, it has been associated with conditions like cancer, erectile dys

If you have early signs of periodontal disease, it is best to treat them right away. Check out our guide to reversing periodontitis!