- • Insurance, Careers and Technology

Description: Insurance, Careers and Technology

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Those who know me are aware that a significant portion of my professional life had revolved around travel. From 2009 to 2020, I constantly found myself either relocating to another state or country, or boarding a plane for business meetings and conferences. The last three years  I vividly recall a conversation with my former boss … Read more

The Origin of Modern Insurance What we think of as Property Casualty Insurance has its roots in marine insurance, Lloyd’s of London was founded by Edward Lloyd at his coffeehouse on London’s Tower Street in 1688.  The “coffee shop” was popular with sailors, shipowners, and merchants, and Lloyd catered to them with the most up-to-date … Read more

I hope you enjoyed Part 1 of this article.  This post covers Trends 5-7 from my 2020 article and some Bonus ones for the rest of the decade. Trend #5: Macro Economy – Roaring 20s into the Great Depression From 2020 article: In the 1920s – The stock market crash of October 1929 began the … Read more

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