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Rousse is a city of around 150,000 inhabitants located in North-East Bulgaria on the South bank of the Danube River. It is the biggest Bulgarian city bordering Romania to the North and is connected with the Romanian town of Giurgiu by the Danube Bridge.

Rousse boasts a long history and rich culture. It raised to national prominence during the second half of the 19 th century when it became a leading economic centre even though Bulgaria was under the Ottoman rule at the time. Towards the end of the century the city became one of the strategic points of contact for the National Resistance Movement which led to gaining national freedom in 1878.

After the Liberation and during the first decades of the 20 th century Rousse flourished as the most significant cultural, architectural, and economic city in Bulgaria attracting foreign artists, entrepreneurs, and architects who left their unique footprint on the general cityline which can be seen even today.

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