- Our offerings and over view of our services.

Description: An overview of the services and offerings provided by Regina Kankinza at In Her It Blooms. Available: consultations, classes, collective care and herbal remedies

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I show you how with lifestyle changes, ancestral practices, plants and equal parts ritual & reverence. 

>> Hey y’all,  I am Regina Kankinza, community activist turned womxn’s wellness practitioner. <<    

I help womxn learn the language of their bodies so they can be the protagonist in their own healing journeys using plant-medicine, ritual and reverence.   In Her It Blooms is my ode & offering to support the body-mind-spirit complex of the warrior-womxn, the seekers, those determined to live life on purpose & those who came here to play & have pleasure on behalf of all the womxn before them who were denied that right.