- improvident lackwit | it's a Simpsons reference

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Breaking news out of Saskatchewan, Canada: a hunter came across 20 puppies in a field, and help has been pouring in . What a reief that Mr. Burns didn't find them, otherwise he'd want to turn them into matching clogs . It’s a good thing that Mr. Burns didn’t get a hold of those abandoned puppies in Saskatchewan.

Karen , through her Google Reader shared items, pointed me to a BoingBoing post about eyelash growth drug , and got the Simpsons reference before I did!: when Homer entered Lisa in a beauty contest , Lisa and another girl in the contest got to talking after Amber Dempsy walked in the room with her gigantic eyelashes.

Girl 1 : Eyelash implants. Lisa : [puzzled] I thought those were illegal? Girl 1 : Not in Paraguay.