- Imperfect America

Description: A blog about the politics of an imperfect, but great nation. Politics, life and culture...

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About 20 years ago I read a piece about the North Miami police department eliminating the swimming requirement for the police .  With a working knowledge of geography and having visited Miami many times, I thought this was a bit odd and kind of a bad idea.  After all, North Miami has hundreds of miles of canals, lakes and beaches . Predictably, the reason the requirement was being dropped was because “ blacks are less likely than whites to know how to swim because of economic disparities between the groups

That was long before the cancer of wokeness had taken hold of much of America.   I was dumbfounded.   Nobody with a functioning brain would have looked at that situation and said we have to eliminate a key element of the job requirements so we can let more members of X group join.   But that’s what the people in charge decided.   If someone with a functioning brain were actually in charge they would have said something like, “ If our goal is to have a more diverse workforce… ” a questionable assertion in th

But that’s not what they did.   And that is just another demonstration that Democrats aren’t actually serious people seeking to help the communities they represent.   No, their goal was to cater to the “equity” crowd, even before it had a name.   And they have continued to do so for the last two decades.