- Integrated Marketing Advisory Board

Description: The vision of the Integrated Marketing Advisory Board is to promote a discussion of the various successes and failures related to integrated marketing: understandings, trends, benefits and adoptions of integrated marketing activities within the nonprofit community.

social media (8944) email marketing (4084) fundraising (3315) volunteer (2466) content management (1791) advocacy (1139) data integration (156) nonprofit technology (7) nptech (3) constituent empowerment (1)

Example domain paragraphs

I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I first did this “how-to” webinar for 4Good ’s “Tech Tuesday” series … but it has! But the concept is still surprising under-used, so please, read on, and click-through and watch the recording to learn all about surround sound fundraising.

As fancy as it sounds, surround sound fundraising (or marketing) is simply a donor/supporter-centric way of creating your campaigns. It is a multitouch, multiphase effort that employs multimedia techniques on multiple devices (smartphones, tablets, newspapers, computers, radio, mailbox, television advertising and more).

Think of the donors first and how they want to interact with your organization. As you know, there is no such thing as a single channel person -- you, me, our donors, no one spends their days in just one channel or place or media. Which means we need to create campaigns that connect with our supporters where they are and in all the places they spend their time.