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var _user_id = ''; // Set to the user's ID, username, or email address, or '' if not yet known. var _session_id = 'ac12a1556b7d0fe24c10dd8b8c082762'; // Set to a unique session ID for the visitor's current browsing session. var _sift = window._sift = window._sift || []; _sift.push(['_setAccount', '2e541754ec']); _sift.push(['_setUserId', _user_id]); _sift.push(['_setSessionId', _session_id]); _sift.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { function ls() { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.src = 'htt

Illuminated Security’s expert training courses and consultancy services melt the barriers standing between your technical teams and success. We illuminate complex application security topics including:

“Every now and again you read a book by someone who completely understands the domain and knows how to explain it well. For me this is one of those books, I wish he wrote all the tech books I have ever read.”

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