igonzalezricoy.com - Iñigo González Ricoy

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I am an associate professor of political philosophy at the University of Barcelona , where I currently hold an ICREA Academia grant. 

I am also a member of the Barcelona Institute of Analytic Philosophy , and an external member of the Law & Philosophy group at UPF and of the Chaire Hoover at the Université de Louvain, where I held postdoctoral positions in the past. I have also been a visiting fellow at the Universities of Oxford , Goethe Frankfurt , and Columbia , a visiting professor at UPF and, during my PhD, which I got in 2012 at UB, a visiting student at NYU , UCL , and Minho . 

My research focuses on democratic theory, intergenerational and labor justice, and the political theory of the firm. I am currently working on two books: a monograph on labor-managed firms, under contract with Oxford University Press, and a collection on republicanism and labor justice, which I am coediting with José Luis Martí. I am also a coeditor of Law, Ethics & Philosophy .