ignss.org - US Space-Based Position, Navigation and Timing Advisory Board

Description: In October 2015, I attended the most recent meeting of the US Position, Navigation and Timing Advisory Board in Boulder Colorado. The PNT Advisory Board is a Presidential committee that advises the U.S. Government on national and international PNT related issues and is currently convened by NASA. I am one of the international members of the Board.

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US Space-Based Position, Navigation and Timing Advisory Board Report on October 2015 Meeting by Matt Higgins, IGNSS President

In October 2015, I attended the most recent meeting of the US Position, Navigation and Timing Advisory Board in Boulder Colorado. The PNT Advisory Board is a Presidential committee that advises the U.S. Government on national and international PNT related issues and is currently convened by NASA.  I am one of the international members of the Board.

They also discussed questions about the implementation of blockchain technology in the space industry. One of the speakers said: "Blockchain technology is one of the most applied applications of space technology to solve terrestrial problems. We are taking a pioneering role in creating digital assets based on distributed registry (blockchain) technology in conjunction with space imagery and geoservices. Distributed registry technologies have great potential for applications in the areas of protecting space