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After winning the King's College London Business Plan Competition Prize , iConcipio was founded in 2011 as a support provider using web-technology solutions. Our product, MePlusMe, is an online multimedia system that addresses the psychological and educational needs of higher education students. In 2016, MePlusMe was shortlisted from over 2400 other projects worldwide for the Falling Walls Young Innovator of the Year 2016 competition in Berlin.

Based on our Protocol , we are developing MePlusMe in accordance with the Medical Research Council (MRC) guidelines for developing complex interventions. To date, we have completed two market research projects; one targeting counsellors working in student support services of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in UK and the other with students. The outcome of these projects highlighted existing needs and inspired the conception and the design of an online system as a solution. We then embarked into a Proof

We are now focusing on assessing the feasibility of MePlusMe.

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