ichijoji.blogspot.kr - Ichijoji

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Sumi-e, strategy and swordsmanship - inspired by the arts of Miyamoto Musashi

Only a week ago, the cherry blossom was blooming and Kyoto was awash with frothy white and pale pink blossom and the happy faces of tourists and residents alike. The term ‘sakura fubuki’ refers to a flurry of cherry blossom falling in the breeze, a little storm of cherry blossom petals, though it could almost as well refer to the mass of people who are brought out by the seasonal phenomenon. Cherry blossom is beautiful anywhere, but Kyoto has a particularly high concentration: public parks, temple and shrin

All good things must come to an end, and so the exuberance of the cherry blossom has passed, and the petals scattered, giving way to new leaves and a city filled with a new array of colours. It is not only cherry that flowers at this season – the camellias are in full bloom, azaleas are just beginning to come out, and wisteria, perhaps earlier than usual, can be seen as well.