- Best Portable Air Conditioner Reviews | Ice Cold Living

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During the summer months, there is nothing worse than a home that is too hot for your comfort. Maybe your central air unit tragically went out, or maybe you just can't get your bedroom cool enough for a good night's sleep. Either way, you don't have to suffer through the hot summer! There are a lot of options and none of them include running up your power bill. In fact, the answer is simple and easy: invest in a portable air conditioning unit and start living more comfortably today. Read our best portable A

This unit comes with dual hoses so that you get the intake hose and exhaust hose. It can be used as an air conditioner, a fan, or a dehumidifier. It has a digital display and a thermostat that will keep the room between 61-89 degrees. It does have a timer so you can set it to turn on and off even when you are not at home. The dehumidifying capacity is 101 pints per day and it has a washable pre-filter. There is also a carbon air filter to ensure the air in your home is cleaner. This AC has 3 fan speeds and

This portable AC is designed to cool areas that are up to 350 square feet. It does not have a bucket and promises to be drip free thanks to an auto-evaporation system. It also works well as a dehumidifier and can remove up to 70 pints of humidity from the room within 24 hours. It comes with its own remote control so that you can control it from your seat, but there is also feather touch controls on the unit. There is an easy to read LCD display so that you can keep track of what the temperature is set to. T

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