icanhastransistor.com - todbot blog – Random experiments, circuits, code, rapid prototyping, sometimes things to buy, and the odd tune by Tod Kurt.

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Random experiments, circuits, code, rapid prototyping, sometimes things to buy, and the odd tune by Tod Kurt.

I am a big fan of these PCM5102A I2S DAC boards (3 for $15! affilliate ) for playing around with audio synthesis, for example in this video about new `synthio` CircuitPython library or this repository about Mozzi Arduino synthesis . They have pretty high-quality audio output up to at least 16-bit @ 44.1kHz and separate out all the audio circuitry onto its own board with its own regulator! This makes it much less likely that your circuit’s noise will infect your audio. And the line out is strong enough to dr

Hooking the up PCM5102 board is pretty easy for the general case: