ibrahimcesar.cloud - Ibrahim Cesar — Solutions Architect

Description: @ibrahimcesar — Builder, eventually consistent. Personal blog with posts The Cloud, Code and Everything Else!

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Talks About/Sobre Code ☁️ Olá! Hello! Hola! Cloud, Code and Everything Else Builder, eventually consistent. General purpous curious. I have A LOT of opinions. But they are all my own, without exceptions. This digital garden is bilingual, with posts in English (en) and Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br).

📝 en 📘 #devbooks: The Software Architect Elevator, by Gregor Hohpe ⚠️ MUST READ ALERT: A ride from IT engine room to the penthouse, to achieve our business goals

📝 pt-br Estou escrevendo um livro! Sobre AWS! Não há data prevista de publicação, me acompanhe para estar entre as primeiras pessoas a saber!