iboyadzhiev.github.io - Ivaylo 'Ivo' Boyadzhiev

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Ivaylo 'Ivo' Boyadzhiev

I am a Senior Applied Science Manager at Zillow Group , where currently I lead a team of Applied Scientists and Machine Learning Engineers working on indoor scene reconstruction and understanding, using scalable off-the-shelf hardware solutions, like smart phones and 360 RGB cameras. I also co-managed the release of our open-source, free for academic research, Zillow Indoor Dataset , published at CVPR 2021 .

At Zillow I've worked on Floor Plan Reconstruction for Interactive Floor Plans , Panorama Stitching for 3D Home® , Improving Video Stabilization for Video Walkthrough , Intrinsic Image Decomposition for Zillow Digs . I did my PhD at Cornell University , where I was advised by Kavita Bala and I spent 3 summers 2012-2014 working at Adobe Research under the supervision of Sylvain Paris . My PhD thesis centered around the problems of designing algorithms to assist advanced computational photography tasks, such

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