ian.io - ian.io | Father, husband & web engineering manager. Enjoyer of bacon, maple syrup, craft beer, whiskey, pizza, rugby, owls, lemu

Description: Father, husband & web engineering manager. Enjoyer of bacon, maple syrup, craft beer, whiskey, pizza, rugby, owls, lemurs & hair loss.🍍 🇬🇧 🇨🇦

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About Archives Code Snippets Contact Diabetes Projects Tweets Welcome to the site. This time, with actual content! It's still a work in progress, but it's much further on than it's been for the last few years. Take a look around and if you have any comments, please get in touch .

A quick overview of this version, what's here and what isn't can be found in this post . I'll post more as I go along.

Nov 5, 2021 • macos , installation • 153 words