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What’s more devastating for a woman, than turning 40?Turning 50!But lets hold back on that thought for a moment. Could we change our thinking and mindset here? Let’s try.What can be more exciting for a woman than turning 40?Turning 50!So by now you are probably asking ‘Are you crazy?’ You could be wondering how on earth anyone could possibly make a statement like that. After all, aren’t we were talking about health and fitness here?Well let’s look at this more closely. Turning 50, what possible advantages o

Your body does grow older, and often more easily fatigued as the years drift by (or race by as they seem to these days.) We can’t keep up with the kids and young ones as much as we once did (but do we really want to?) You start noticing a lot more wrinkles on your friends, or partners faces (not so much on your own.) Jars are getting harder to open. Extra fat around your middle section is harder to shift. Health and fitness takes hard work to achieve and maintain.There are more if we keep ‘racking our brain

Wisdom. Now that’s a big one. We’ve lived a few years and have quite a number of experiences ‘under our belt. These experiences equip us to not only help ourselves, but also to be of help to others. You don’t have to feel bad about asking someone to open ‘that jar’ for you. It makes them feel good to be able to help out, so you’re actually helping their ‘self esteem’! Those wrinkles…. you can at least warn your kids and your loved ones to protect their skin from an early age, stay out of the hot sun and dry