hyungkwonko.github.io - Kwon Ko's Website

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Currently I'm with KIXLAB at KAIST under the supervision of Prof. Juho Kim . I'm working on HCI projects "A Step Toward Designing the Visualization Oracle using Large Language Models" and "Moderating Customer Inquiries and Responses to Alleviate Stress and Reduce Emotional Dissonance of Customer Service Representatives" which we aim to submit it to CHI 2024.

I am broadly interested in Human-Computer Interaction, Human-Centered AI, and Information Visualization. I am eager to find important problems in diverse domains, and help people using novel interaction techniques.

I received my Master's degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Seoul National University studying Human-computer Interaction and Information Visualization. During my MS, I worked with SNU HCIL under the supervision of Prof. Jinwook Seo mostly on dimensionality reduction methods. I received my Bachelor's degree from Hanyang University . During my BS, I majored in mathematics, minored in industrial engineering, and earned 16 credits in computer science and engineering. I was a full-t

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