hypar.github.io - HyPar: Main Page

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HyPar is a finite-difference algorithm to solve hyperbolic-parabolic partial differential equations (with source terms) on Cartesian grids. It is a unified framework that can handle systems of PDEs with arbitrary number of spatial dimensions and solution components. It provides the spatial discretization and time integration functions, functions to read and write solutions from/to files, as well as functions required to solve the system on parallel (MPI) platforms. The physical models define the physics-spe

HyPar has been developed to be scalable, and apart from the usual functionalities to solve a system of PDEs on distributed architectures, it provides scalable file I/O functions. It has been tested on several platforms, including DOE Leadership-class supercomputers, with up to ~0.5 million MPI ranks.

The code is available at: https://bitbucket.org/deboghosh/hypar

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