hydrocomplexity.net - Hydrologic Complexity

Example domain paragraphs

Understanding, Characterizing, and Modeling Complex Hydrologic Systems

"The interplay of climate variability and change, global water crisis, and human impact on the water cycle pose the most significant challenge for hydrology today. Our inter-disciplinary research deals with Hydrocomplexity, the quantitative understanding and prediction of emergent patterns of form and function that arise from complex non-linear multi-scale interactions between soil, water, climate, vegetation and human systems, and how this understanding can be used for innovative solutions to water and sus

Intensively managed landscapes, regions of significant land use change, serve as a cradle for economic prosperity. However, the intensity of change is responsible for unintended deterioration of our land and water environments. By understanding present day dynamics in the context of long-term co-evolution of the landscape, soil and biota, IML-CZO aims to support the assessment of short- and long-term resilience of the crucial ecological, hydrological and climatic services. An observational network of three