hwangstory.com - index - Mr. Hwang's Story

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Mr. Hwang's Story since the car accident on October 5, 2019

Evisceration is said to be a method of autotomy involving the ejection of internal organs. To eviscerate a person or animal means to remove their internal organs, such as their heart, lungs, and stomach They say that evisceration is a surgical technique by which all intraocular contents are removed while preserving the remaining scleral shell, extraocular muscle attachments, and surrounding orbital adnexa. The surgery often includes placement of an implant into the evisceration cavity to maintain appropriat

This writing is about killing or threatening for the injured by the injury-industry mafia’s brutal business. That is what Mr. Hwang had experienced since he had the car accident on October 5, 2019. Therefore, his experience is based on the true story which happened to him. Thereofore, his story and argument had, has, and will have great credibility to the general public…more

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