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In a 2020 interview with CNBC , Larry Kudlow went on television to clarify earlier comments he had made regarding his belief that systemic racism does not exist in America. However, instead of a nuanced and fact/evidence based defense of why he believes systemic racism exists or a even a retraction wherein he could have stated that in light of all of the economic data which confirms a growing inequality in America (including several statistics highlighted to him by the Host), Mr. Kudlow doubled down on his

Instead of an evidence based defense for his position that there is no systemic racism in America, Mr. Kudlow into an evidence-free and history-free diatribe of just how fair and just America is or in his bumbling words, “the American system is the best system ever devised in the history of mankind for history we are Liberty, we are equality, we are fairness.” For an economist whose formal scholastic training is only in history, this was an exceptionally disappointing account of the American historical reco

Fortunately for Larry Kudlow, knowing better is something he has never had to be concerned with because Mr. Kudlow is the very definition of white privilege. Not only did Mr. Kudlow butcher his entire no systemic racism in America defense throughout the CNBC interview which was filled only with vacuous clichés and ultimately concluding at the end of the segment that he in fact had no idea what systemic racism is or how it may limit the opportunities for people of color, but this segment appears to be a micr