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“It is not Man’s dreams that fail him,” declared L. Ron Hubbard . “It is the lack of know-how required to bring those dreams into actuality.” For that reason and that reason alone, “Whole nations, to say nothing of commercial firms or societies or groups, have spent decades in floundering floundering: characterized by confused or purposeless motion. turmoil.”

The consequences stare back at us as headlines every day: crippling  deficits deficit(s): the amount by which money spent or owed is greater than money earned in a particular period of time ,  onerous onerous: burdensome, oppressive or troublesome; causing hardship.  taxation, failing businesses and, even in an ostensibly prosperous United States, some forty million people live below the poverty line. It is not for nothing, then, that Mr. Hubbard further declared: “Man’s happiness and the longevity of compa

If one genuinely understood how individuals best function—their needs, aspirations and the source of their failings—one would naturally understand how groups of individuals best function. Such was the stance from which L. Ron Hubbard addressed the problems of how we cooperate with others—not with administrative gimmicks or authoritarian  decrees decree: a formal and authoritative order, especially one having the force of law , but with a uniquely compassionate view of groups as individuals united in a commo