- Houston Texas Paintball Tournament - Houston Texas Paintball Series

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Stop for a second… and think of a time you truly remember when you put put everything you had into something. Something you can be proud of even if other people wouldn’t fell the same way. A time where you shined in the spotlight and made a difference in the outcome. Something that took every part of your body to make happen and something you gave a piece of yourself to. That’s how a paintball event is. 

Those who play paintball on the weekends know the felling, but its a different story when you get to write your own story on the field. A story you can tell another player and try to describe the time you just “made it happen” and won. That’s paintball. All heart, all the time. No regrets, no turning back and always moving forward. That felling is what we try to give all the players at Houston Texas Paintball Series.

Houston Texas Paintball Series aims to create an experience for players at an event. Sure, playing an event is great but remembering your time there weather you win or lose is where we focus our efforts.