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Search Menu Juice Cleanses: How Do They Affect Your Teeth? Search Search for: Close search Close Menu Juice Cleanses: How Do They Affect Your Teeth? Juice Cleanses: How Do They Affect Your Teeth? The utilization of juice cleanses has become increasingly popular in recent times as a way to detoxify the body, lose weight, and bolster overall wellbeing. These short-term regimens include only drinking fruit and vegetable juices for a determined period of time, typically lasting from a couple of

Fruits and vegetables used in juice cleanses, such as citrus fruits, berries, and certain greens, often contain high levels of acids. These acids, including citric acid, malic acid, and tartaric acid, can erode tooth enamel over time. The enamel is the outermost layer of your teeth, and erosion can lead to tooth sensitivity, cavities, and other dental problems. In addition to weakening the enamel, acidic juices can damage or decay it.

During a juice cleanse, you should also consider the juice’s natural sugar content. When fruits are juiced, they release their natural sugars, which can feed bacteria in your mouth. When these bacteria produce acids as a byproduct, they can cause tooth decay. Fruit sugars are generally considered healthier than refined sugars found in processed foods, but they can still cause dental problems if consumed excessively and without adequate oral hygiene.