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If you’re a Burp Suite user, you’ll be familiar with Burp Collaborator : a service that allows you to monitor out-of-band interactions to a remote server, which can indicate a potential security vulnerability. More recently, Projectdiscovery.io have come up with their alternative Interactsh which achieves the same goals.

However, I found that I sometimes wanted to keep receiving notifications of potential interactions long after I closed Burp for the day or killed my Interactsh sessions. Moreover, in many cases I wanted to not only point an application to a random URL, but to a specific file under my control. To address those needs I created a setup with a self-hosted DNS server and an NGINX web server which I have been running for over two years. I’m happy to introduce my solution today.

WILSON Cloud Respwnder is a Web Interaction Logger Sending Out Notifications (WILSON). With WILSON you can setup your own fully functional web and DNS servers with transparent logging of all incoming DNS and HTTP requests to a Slack or Discord channel.