holypsych.net - holypsych.net

Description: sociology presentation - work in progress

Example domain paragraphs

... a bit presumptuous perhaps, but it's work in progress ...

So I had the idea to launch a website that could explore holistic centered psychology, which is a bit redundant (psychology is already supposed to be about that), but I was wanting to come up with a catchy domain name and I thought " holipsych ", but it was taken so I got this one. Short & memorable website domain; now all I need to do is provide content to justify the name . Not a problem. I've been at this for quite while now, so ...

In an attempt to establish credibility for referring to myself as a " social scientist " I figured that I'd offer an introduction. Oh, you thought that I'd try to use the word " sociologist ", didn't you! - oh, haha - so I'd get the " evils of socialism " rant and I'd then stand accused of being a communist ... of course I'm not, but it'd put me on the defensive ... it's like fighting your way out of a paper bag, but what's so hard about that? The question is how you got into the paper bag in the first plac

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