hollytruhlar.com - Holly Truhlar Show your soul

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These evolutionary times are calling us to attune and adapt, witness and weave, grieve and imagine. In my work, I lovingly tend to people and groups experiencing loss, change, conflict, and collapse. I listen to and honor the most vulnerable parts of ourselves, organizations, and communities. All of my work revolves around dispelling the myths of individualism and supremacy, cultivating community, and connecting with the more-than-human world. If this calls to you, WELCOME, LET’S DEEPEN TOGETHER.

I created the below questions as a resource for equity mediation work I was doing a few years ago. As I was exploring “What do transformative, rather than transactional, relationships FEEL like?” these blossomed. They are meant to help people relate with right-use-of-power and full consent. There are two sets of questions, one for people who are in a down-power position and one for people in an up-power position. Every time > MORE

I want to tell you a secret that both isn’t and shouldn’t be a secret… Facilitators, therapists, helping practitioners, and “leaders” are human beings. Mmm hmm, we eat food and breathe air just like everyone else. We have emotions and personalities, experience loss, celebrate success (however that’s defined for us), and our bodies and psyches have limitations. While the word leader often creates an individualistic hierarchy, I’m using > MORE