hollisjamison.com - Hollis Jamison | Backend Web Developer, Data Architect, IT Engineer

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I am a life long, recovering IT Engineer who now lives a secret life as a freelance back-end web developer and data architect. I love complex problem solving, overcoming challenging deadlines, and building ambitious web applications.

My name is Hollis Jamison. I offer a unique perspective on web design. After more than a decade as an IT Engineer, I have transitioned into back-end web development and data analytics. Since I have experience on all sides of projects, I can take a strong leadership role during every phase of development and implementation. I have the grit and the relentless desire to not only complete tasks, but to exceed all expectations.

Extensive experience in back-end web applications. I strive for efficient code and innovative ideas. While I specialize in back-end development I know my way around front-end tools such as CSS frameworks and UI design.