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There was a time when only women were conscious of their weight and shape.Gradually, and almost undetected, males have crept into the weight-loss class to join them. Whether or not this has anything to do with the emancipation or subjugation of the global male is open to conjecture. In the final event it may have no bearing on the fact that men have finally come out of the over-weight closet and admitted that ‘they’re fat’!It is a well-known fact that regardless of whether you are male or female, being too

To get the highest possible rent and to attract the best possible tenants you need to know exactly what tenants look for when their searching for a rental property. With this knowledge your well on the way to happy investing and with happy tenants.Location is of major importance to prospective tenants well before they even give consideration to the style of home or type of dwelling being offered for rent. If you have already purchased your investment property there is not much you can do about the location.

The first thing people say when you tell them you want to work at home on your computer is:1. Are you crazy? Nobody makes money online. You’re just going to lose money trying to learn how to make money online.2. Don’t bother, the only people making money online are the people selling the “How to Make Money Online Books.”In addition, they say, it’s way too risky, 95% of the businesses fail.And you know what? That is true. But here are a couple of other facts. People do make money online, a lot of it. It’s in