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Description: English historical fiction author spying for the exiled King in Oliver Cromwell's England. Currently querying agents. First manuscript complete.

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1653. A young spy is on her first mission for the exiled King Charles II. However Lady Audette Miles soon discovers any allegiance can become tainted in the stormy waters of Oliver Cromwell’s England. When she unearths a traitor, can Laurette prevent an assassination that would destroy their cause and her own future forever?

My first novel is Charlotte Gray meets The Musketeers . It focuses on a heroine with a talent for disguise, codebreaking and horseriding. Thare are action sequences such as a prison break from the Tower of London and some simmering mutual attraction between Audette and the enigmatic agent Mr Carter.

Although my protagonists are fictional, real-life people such as spymaster John Thurloe and King Charles II make cameo appearances.