historical-data.com - Historical-Data.com

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Historical-Data.com contains a database of videos, websites and cemeteries, mostly pertaining to local history. There is also cemetery and gravestone images, most of which are from the northeastern United States. This database, which you can browse in the cemeteries section , currently contains more than 64,200 images of gravestones, wills, obits and photos from 566 cemeteries organized by country, state, and county. Many cemeteries have interments with no tombstones so we have been adding other info in the

The links on the right in the exploration of historical sites videos section are all pertaining to research, some made by us and some by others. The links in the historical societies are all local and they have contact info for each society. The links on the useful websites are to various types of websites pertaining to research, some have contact info. The Black Sage Project Band is a local band that teaches history through song.

Historical-Data.com is a family-owned website. It was founded by Dale E. Keklock and Brent D. Keklock.