hiddensummitacu.com - Hidden Summit – Acupuncture, Cupping, Chinese Herbs, & Nutrition

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Everyone should be able to get quality, honest, and customized health care, making it possible to live a full and rewarding life.  Alternative medicine  and acupuncture in particular are great options to combine with traditional Western medicine to give you well-rounded care. At Hidden Summit Acupuncture Clinic we pride ourselves on our honest approach to your whole-body health, combined with our guiding principles of listening, delivering, and committing to your needs.

Offering Chinese herbal medicine, cupping, gua sha/scraping, medical massage, lymphatic draining, and professional nutritional coaching, Hidden Summit is much more than just needles.

We’re human and you are too, so we like to treat you like one. We’re here to help you find your answers.